Community Forum #3 Scheduled

The Town of South Hadley has been engaging in a public outreach process to update the Town’s Housing Production Plan (HPP), last updated in 2016. A third community forum will be held on Wednesday, September 13th at 7:00 PM at the South Hadley Senior Center, 45 Dayton Street.
Through the Housing Production Plan update process, the Town is seeking to open discussion and analyze South Hadley’s current housing stock and housing affordability relative to our population and demographics. Your contribution is vital to the creation of a successful plan. For a deeper overview, you can review Housing Production Plan ‘FAQs’ here:—Frequently-Asked-Questions
Who is developing the plan? : The Town of South Hadley, in coordination with Outwith Studio, is in the process of developing a draft Housing Production Plan. It is anticipated that the draft will be available to the public on August 28th. The process has been guided by an Advisory Committee, consisting of appointed community members, and will ultimately be adopted by the Planning Board and Selectboard following a public hearing process after which it will receive State review and approval.
Why is this plan important? : The Housing Production Plan process is established by the State Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities, formerly the Department of Housing and Community Development, and seeks to demonstrate strategies to increase opportunities for affordable housing.
For additional information, you can review the Housing Production Plan website here: and review information on the Town’s website here:
You can also follow and share the event on social media here:
Still have questions? You can contact Anne Capra, Director of Planning and Conservation at (413) 538-5030 x6128 or