The South Hadley Housing Production Plan Update is a process to shape the future of housing in our town.
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Draft HPP Published
On August 28, 2023, the Town and HPP consulting team published a Draft Housing Production Plan for review and comment by the general public. The plan is available for download here.
Community Forum #3 Scheduled
The Town of South Hadley has been engaging in a public outreach process to update the Town’s Housing Production Plan (HPP), last updated in 2016. A third community forum will be held on Wednesday, September 13th at 7:00 PM at the South Hadley Senior Center, 45 Dayton Street. Through the Housing Production Plan update process,…
Community Forum #2 Scheduled
Date & Location:Thursday, June 22, 20237-9 PM South Hadley Senior Center, 45 Dayton Street, South Hadley, MA Please join us to learn about housing development and constraints within South Hadley, and discuss draft goals, strategies and opportunities to create much need housing for people of all incomes and stages of life. Agenda [pdf] To stay…